Hello! I'm Louis Barbati. Nice to meet you!

I’m a Support Engineer with technical skills in front-end languages including HTML, CSS, & JavaScript, seeking opportunites to grow in the field.

Developer Projects

Guess the Word Game

Guess the Word Game

A word guessing game that gives users a limited number of chances to try and guess the hidden word. This project uses Vanilla JavaScript to assess outcomes based on user input and return the appropriate data. The project also utilized Git’s version control through each step of the build.

Skills: JavaScript, CSS3
Tools: GitHub Pages, JSON, VS Code

Crypto Price Tracker

Crypto Price Checker

An app that displays the current price in USD of the top 100 cryptocurrencies. This project uses React to search and filter through coins by their full name or ticker symbol using the included search bar. It connects to a REST API to fetch the data.

Skills: JSX/React, Components
Tools: State, Props, REST API

Github Repo Gallery

Github Repo Gallery

A webpage that incorporates all of my Github repos in one place! This project uses Github APIs to pull data from my Github profile and active repos and display them in an organized layout. It also includes dynamic search functionality to filter through the repos and see more details about each one.

Skills: JavaScript, APIs, CSS3
Tools: GitHub, VS Code

Unplugged Retreat

Unplugged Retreat

A multi-page website for a nature retreat. This project was created from a design comp utilizing Photoshop to incorpoate accurate sizing and spacing of elements. It includes media queries to adapt to mobile, tablet, and desktop screen sizes.

Skills: HTML5, CSS3, Flexbox
Tools: Photoshop, Chrome DevTools

Drum Kit

Drum Kit

A simple and fun, interactive drum kit created using JavaScript. It uses keydown events to play audio corresponding to the drum sound for the respective key. Now you can play the drums using just your keyboard!

Skills: JavaScript, CSS3
Tools: VS Code


Developer Skills


CSS3 & Flexbox/Grid

Responsive Typography




Tech Tools

Chrome Dev Tools

Visual Studio Code

FTP Clients


Terminal/CMD Line


Soft Skills

Customer Support

Interpersonal Skills

Project Management

Team Work



Hi! I'm Louis

profile pic

I'm a Support Engineer with 4+ years of experience providing quality technical customer support who dipped into learning code.

I started my first customer experience job as a Server at a family-style restaurant, where I learned the basics and built my foundation in customer satisfaction. I then transitioned into the tech field as a Senior Support Technician and mastered providing daily troubleshooting & technical assistance to beginning staff up to top-level executives. I worked my way up to leading team projects and providing solutions utilizing my problem-solving skills.

I decided to dip into the world of learning web development to increase my skillset. I was immediately pulled in by the endless possibilities to create web pages, applications, and learn exactly how they function. I built my foundation in front-end skills with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, & React and expanding upon learning more technologies and languages including Python, Wordpress, and PHP.